
An internet cookie you can eat.

Client: MDLZ
AD: Helder Oliveira
My Role: Concept, Copywriting
Everyone has a favourite way to eat Oreos. That behaviour is so familiar to our customers that it has become a viral meme. And since they enjoy playing while eating, we translated their delight into a yummy web experience.
A banner campaign that transforms the user's eating habits of Oreo cookies into Internet cookies. Each cookie generated results in a distinct brand experience across all Oreo channels.
First, we created a game banner with a simple question: What does your ideal Oreo look like?
The assembled Oreo became an internet cookie. Each generated cookie led to a tailored new experience on the Internet through social media, banners, and digital display.
On the Oreo e-commerce, the cookie generates an adapted shop page with a selection of the most likely products and the number of packs required to obtain the customised Oreo.
🍪 🖥️ ✌️